Forest/Watershed Restoration: Policy, Principles, and Practice

April 3-5, 2019
Red Lion Hotel, Port Angeles, WA
The 2019 Washington State SAF annual meeting will focus on forest and watershed restoration. Please join us for sessions that will highlight science and principles, policies, and practices of restoration efforts addressing the ultimate question: What are the results and expectations of restoration efforts? The field trip will feature forest, fish, and habitat restoration projects on a range of forestland ownerships. The immediate Port Angeles area offers visits to the beautiful Olympic National Park and ferry service for day trips to Victoria, B.C. See the program information and other program details below and we’ll see you in Port Angeles.
Wednesday, April 3
WSSAF Excomm Meeting
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Evening Icebreaker
Thursday, April 4
7:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
- John McNulty, SAF President
- Jenny Knoth, WSSAF State Chair
SESSION 1: Policy
- 8:20 a.m. USFS Perspective, Reta Laford, US Forest Service, Olympic National Forest
- 8:45 a.m. National Park Service, Lee Taylor, Olympic National Park
- 9:10 a.m. Good Neighbor Authority and Shared Stewardship Authority, George Giessler, WA Dept. of Natural Resources
- 9:35 a.m. Private Timberlands, Mark Doumit, Washington Forest Protection Association
10:00 a.m. BREAK
SESSION 2: Principles-Desired Condition
- 10:35 a.m. Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Perspective – Using the Dungeness as a Case Study, Hansi Hals, Jamestown S’Klallam
- 11:00 a.m. Reframing the Debate from Economics/Preservation to Ecosystem Sustainability, Bernard Bormann, UW, DNR
- 11:25 a.m. Stream-riparian Forest Restoration: Beyond BMPs, Dede Olson, USFS
- 11:50 a.m. Marbled Murrelet, Allen Estep, DNR
12:15 p.m. LUNCH – Washington State SAF Awards – Photo tour of Olympic Peninsula – Ross Hamilton
SESSION 3: Practices (Restoration)
- 1:30 p.m. A Brief Review of the Olympic National Forest Road Management and Watershed Restoration Efforts in the Upper Dungeness Watershed, Marc McHenry, USFS
- 1:55 p.m. Elwha River Restoration, Fish Habitat, and Fish Response, Mike McHenry, Lower Elwha Tribes, Tim Abee, Natural Systems Design
- 2:30 p.m. An Evaluation of Variables Influencing the Rate of Cutthroat Trout Colonization and Abundance in Newly Accessible Habitats Upstream from Previously Blocking Road Crossings, Travis Schill, Weyerhaeuser
2:55 p.m. BREAK
SESSION 4: Practices (Harvest Treatments)
- 3:30 p.m. Variable Density Thinning for Wildlife Habitat on National Forests, Kevin Senderak, USFS
- 3:55 p.m. Private, Mark Smalley, Rayonier
- 4:20 p.m. Olympic Forest Collaborative, Paul Fischer, University of Washington
5:30 p.m. DINNER – Tales from the Wet West End – Pat Neal, Hoh River Fishing Guide and Humor Columnist
Friday, April 5
7:00 a.m. Breakfast
7:30 a.m. WSSAF Business Meeting
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Technical Field Tour
SAF member, student, non-member (Thursday only), and guest rates are offered. The early bird deadline is March 20, an additional $25 is charged after this date.
Member, Student, and Guest rates include the Wednesday evening icebreaker, and Thursday breakfast, lunch, and breaks.
The Non-Member rate is for Thursday only and includes breakfast, lunch, and breaks.
Registration questions can be directed to Melinda at the SAF Northwest Office at 503-224-8046 or
- SAF member early bird: $150
- Student early bird: $100
- Guest early bird: $100
- Non-Member Thursday only early bird: $150
The Thursday night banquet ($50); Friday morning breakfast ($25); and Friday field tour ($50) are separate ticketed events.
Cancellation policy: Cancellations received on or before 3/20/19 are subject to a 15% service charge. Cancellations after 3/20/19 will be charged the entire registration fee, but substitutions are always welcome.
Field Tour: Friday, April 5
The field tour departs from the Red Lion Inn parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Five stops will be made; most sites are a short walk to the discussion area. Wear hiking boots and bring rain gear and a jacket. Box lunch and transportation provided with registration fee.
Stop #1: U.S. Forest Service, Habitat Restoration and Enhancement– H-Z Stewardship. Stops will include discussions on Adaptive Management Area rules and the thinning specifications, and different design plans built into the stands including skips, gaps, and traditional thinning.
Stop #2: North Olympic Land Trust to discuss upland habitat restoration and engineered log jams.
Stop #3: Lunch at the historic Merrill & Ring Pysht Headquarters. Discussion of a pipe removal project.
Stop #4: Washington Department of Natural Resources, RMAP’s Pipe Replacement on Murdock Creek.
Stop #5: Lake Aldwell Boat Launch, Lower Elwha River restoration: An overview of the Lake Aldwell project and dam removal, including challenges and results from the project implementation, will be provided.
Continuing Forestry Education Credits
SAF CFE credits will be available for attendees.
The exhibitor registration fee is $300 and includes exhibit booth space and complimentary registration that includes the Wednesday evening icebreaker, and Thursday breakfast, lunch, and breaks. If you would like to attend the Thursday evening banquet, Friday breakfast, and/or the Friday field trip, the cost is $50/person; $25/person; and $50/person, respectively.
If your organization would like to exhbit at the meeting, please see exhibitor letter and registration form below for more details, or contact Tom Swanson.
The poster session will be part of the Wednesday evening icebreaker and Thursday program. Poster authors are encouraged to stand with their display during the icebreaker and at breaks to describe their work to interested onlookers. To present a poster, contact Julie Knobel.
Foresters’ Fund and WSSAF Foundation Silent Auction
Each year at the annual meeting, WSSAF conducts its ever-pouplar silent auction. This event is a fund-raising activity for the Foresters’ Fund that is used to promote forestry education and enhance public understanding of forest management, and the WSSAF Foundation that provides scholarships to deserving forestry students. Proceeds will be split equally between the two programs.
We are calling upon each member to donate at least one item to the auction. Items can be large or small; goods or services (e.g., a night at a B&B); or purchased or homemade. Item ideas include artwork, books, forestry tools, apparel items such as gloves and hats,hand-craftered items, specialty foods, and themed gift baskets. Please let Silent Auction Manager Glenn Wiggins (360-461-5825) know what you are bringing or sending for the auction, and include the retail price/fair market value of the item(s). Having this information in advance will assist the auction organizers. We are looking forward to a fun and financially successful auction.
Companies, organizations, agencies, contractors, and individuals are invited to be conference sponsors. Sponsoring orgnaizations will receive special recognition during the meeting. Financial support at any level will be appreciated. For additional information, contact Tom Swanson or Tom Hanson.
A block of rooms for the annual meeting has been reserved at the Red Lion Hotel. Each individual guest must make their own reservations by calling 1-800-RED-LION (1-800-733-5466) by March 3 and identify yourself as member of the WSSAF group by using this code: SOCI0403. After March 3, the reduced rate is subject to availability. The group rates are $135/night for premium or $115 for standard plus tax.
Registration: Melinda Olson, SAF Northwest Office, 503-224-8046
General Questions: Harry Bell, General Chair