The workshop, scheduled for March 7, 8, and 9, 2023, will be presented online to allow broad participation. Over three days workshop participants will be engaged with the science and practice of process-based, riverscape restoration.
To learn more about the workshop and to register, visit
Building on process-based habitat restoration’s focus on improving fluvial, hydrologic, and biological process functions, riverscape restoration helps unleash streams, rivers, and floodplains to support more resilient and productive ecosystems.
This workshop, co-sponsored by NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region, aims to expand the pace and scale of riverscape restoration, consistent with our focus on seeking large-scale and ambitious opportunities that will make meaningful differences for salmon and steelhead conservation and recovery.
The workshop will:
These goals will be considered as they apply across the full spectrum of riverscape restoration approaches and apply to all Pacific salmonid populations.
If you are engaged in habitat restoration through permitting, funding, or project review anywhere in the region, we encourage you to mark your calendars!
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