SAF has 15 national awards, and Presidential Field Forester and Fellow awards that honors scientists, researchers, educators, innovators, leaders, communicators, field foresters, employers, local SAF units, and others who have made significant impact on forestry in the United States and internationally.
To learn more about these awards, visit Nominations for the 2023 awards cycle has now closed.
Presidential Field Forester Award
It is appropriate that SAF recognize those members of our profession who actively practice professional forestry in the field. Practitioners are the true foundation of our profession. Practitioners often operate in nearly complete anonymity, yet their actions are the single most important contribution to the viability and understanding of our profession. This is where forestry truly happens and it is important that we recognize those who perform the art and science of forestry each and every day.
There are a large number of field foresters in District 1 (Alaska, Inland Empire and Washington State SAF) who should be recognized for their talent and accomplishments. These deserving individuals can be found in all regions of the U.S. Using SAF presidential prerogative, 11 members-one from each of the eleven SAF districts-will be selected by the District Board Representative to receive an outstanding field forester achievement award each year.
Fellow Award
The Fellow Award recognizes extraordinary contribution to forestry through 1) a strong continuing commitment through direct SAF volunteer activities; and 2) exemplary action and sustained leadership, and 3) advancement of the forestry profession in at least one of the following areas: a) application of forestry b) education c) public policy d) research or e) technology transfer.
2023 District 1 Fellow Committee
Susanne Rodman, Chair
G. Kirk David
David Malsed
Dennis LeMaster
Bill Love
Chris Schnepf
2023 District 2 Fellow Committee
Timothy R. Keith, Chair
John Prendergast
Susan W. Bowers
Steve Pilkerton
David W. Wells
Mark Buckbee
This document provides a summary of the Fellow award and nominating criteria (PDF). For instructions on how to submit, visit the National SAF Fellow Award page.