The Oregon SAF Research Award is presented in recognition of outstanding achievement in any branch of science leading to advancement in either the science or practice of forestry in Oregon.

Each recipient’s name will be placed on a permanent plaque maintained in the Oregon-Washington Joint SAF Office. Award recipients will be presented with a Ken Brauner painting or other suitable memento.

Procedure for Nomination

Nominations may be submitted from individuals, SAF Chapters, agencies, companies, associations or institutions. Nominations must be completed by April 1 and submitted to the OSAF Awards Nomination Committee Chair.

Nominations must include the following material:

  • Letter of nomination
  • Curriculum vitae of nominee

Nominees need not (1) be members of the Society of American Foresters, (2) reside within the jurisdiction of the Oregon SAF, and (3) have conducted their research in Oregon.

Procedure for Selection

  • Annually the Oregon SAF Executive Committee (Awards Nomination Committee) shall solicit nominations by publishing and/or announcing a description of the award and the procedures and criteria for selection in appropriate publications and by notice ot each Chapter Chair.
  • Completed nominations must be submitted to the Awards Nomination Chair by April 1. Nominations will be reviewed and evaluated by the Awards Committee of the Oregon SAF using information from the following sources:
    • The letter of nomination
    • The curriculum vitae of the nominee, and
    • Independent letters of evaluation from a panel of three forest science leaders in Oregon, who will review all nominations at the request of the Chair of the oregon SAF Awards Nomination Committee. The panel will be appointed by the Chair of the OSAF Awards Nomination Committee.
    • If the criteria are satisfied, the Oregon SAF Awards Committee shall designate, by majority vote, the winner of the Oregon SAF Research Award in time for presentation at the annual meeting.

Criteria for Selection for the Award

  • Outstanding achievement in research, which has allowed significant advances in forest science resulting from the personal research
  • Scientific leadership, and publications of the nominees(s) or significant improvements in forest practice which resulted from the personal research and effective technology transfer activities of the nominee(s).

Note: Recipients of the Barrington Moore Memorial Award (SAF’s National Research Award) will not be considered for the OSAF Research Award if the same achievements are used as the basis.


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