
Feature articles in this issue explore the theme of “Women in Forestry.” Our authors explore the topic from a diversity of perspectives, from academia to tribal forestry, to extension.

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Individual articles are accessible in PDF format (requires Acrobat Reader)

  • Working to Create a More Equitable Workplace in Forestry |PDF
  • Building a Cohort of Women in Academic Forestry Programs |PDF
  • Supporting and Growing the Next Generation of Women in Natural Resources |PDF
  • “How Great the Gain!”: Women and the Forest Service |PDF
  • The Women’s Forest Congress: Working Toward Equity and Empowerment in the Forest Community |PDF
  • Women Owning Woodlands Network: A place for Women to learn, share, and grow together |PDF
  • Editor’s Note |PDF
  • Why Become a Member of SAF? |PDF
  • Perspectives, Partnerships, Opportunities, and (hopefully) the last all-virtual OSAF Annual Meeting |PDF
  • A Recap of Oregon Natural Resources Education Foundation’s 2020 Activities |PDF
  • We Remember |PDF
  • Policy Scorecard |PDF

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