Friday, July 19, 2019
4-person Scramble Format Benefit Tourney
Join the Oregon Society of American Foresters at Trysting Tree Golf Course in Corvallis, Oregon for a golf tournament to benefit the OSAF Foundation. The Foundation’s primary goal is to attract the brightest students to the profession of forestry. The Foundation supports this goal by providing scholarships to excellent students in Oregon to further their forestry education at SAF accredited universities. Please join us in supporting this great cause while having a wonderful day on the course with fellow enthusiasts! Sign up soon. What: 18 Hole Scramble Format tourney with prizes, challenges, raffle.
Where: Trysting Tree Golf Course: 34028 Electric Road, Corvallis, OR
When: Friday, July 19th
7:00 am registration /Cont. Breakfast
8:30 am shotgun start
1:00 Awards BBQ
Cost: $85 per player ($340-four person team), Golf, Cart, Continental Breakfast, BBQ
Prizes for lowest score, best shots (closest to pin, longest drive, straightest drive, etc.), challenge shots for money prizes, general raffle, continental breakfast and catered barbeque lunch during awards presentation following conclusion of tournament. SAF Membership is not required to participate in this event. Please consider inviting non SAF members.
To aid in proper planning, please register ASAP by completing the form below and mail, fax or email. Send checks with registration form.
Sponsorship is encouraged. Hole sponsors are available for $250 and are provided specific recognition at tee box, BBQ lunch, and event signage during registration.