Alaska SAF Honors Award Recipients at Annual Meeting
Alaska SAF held their annual meeting in Fairbanks on May 17-18 and presented three awards at the annual awards banquet.

Tom St. Clair is the 2022 recipient of the Forester of the Year award. Tom currently serves as the Regional Fire Management Officer for the Alaska Region of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and is the chair-elect for the SAF Yukon River Chapter. He played a key role in organizing this year’s annual meeting, and is active in chapter affairs, field trips, and educational programs. Within the Alaska fire community, he is an active member of the Alaska Wildland Fire Coordinating Group (AWFCG), an interagency organization that provides leadership, coordination, and implementation of policy, direction, and standards for incident management. He is also a well-respected trainer and presenter of forestry and fire management education. Tom’s leadership within SAF and the Alaska fire community is outstanding, and it is an honor to present Tom St. Clair with the Alaska Forester of the Year award.
The 2022 Service to Forestry award is presented to Tamara Boeve. She has been very supportive of the Cook Inlet chapter’s annual tree seedling sale, which was started in the early 1970’s. For many years, she has been instrumental in providing outreach in the Matanuska Valley to connect landowners with Cook Inlet chapter, which provides seedlings for properties that have been burned over or impacted by forest insects. Her plaque will be awarded at an upcoming Cook Inlet chapter meeting.

Alaska’s Yukon River chapter is the recipient of the 2022 Chapter of the Year award. Despite the challenges associated with the pandemic, Yukon River chapter has maintained an active continuing education program utilizing virtual meetings and field trips that continue to engage current members and attract new members. Congratulations to the Yukon River chapter!