Water, Trees, and Transportation

April 27-29, 2016
The Mill Casino Hotel and RV Park on Coos Bay
The southwest corner of Oregon is a very unique area, home to Oregon myrtlewood and featuring a working port with log export yards and chip export terminals. Our forests are threatened by insects, fire, and sudden oak death syndrome. Come explore Oregon’s Bay Area and have a good time. Join the Coos and Siskiyou Chapters at the 2016 Oregon Society of American Foresters’ (OSAF) annual meeting on April 27-29 at the Mill Casino Hotel and RV Park in Coos Bay.
Water * Trees * Transportation kicks off with a welcome from the Coquille Indian Tribe and Conference Chair Shaun Harkins. The first day’s focus will be panel discussions on proposed riparian rule changes, watershed science and management, forest health issues (including an update on sudden oak death), and forestry logistics. The evening will feature an icebreaker and poster session.
The second day begins with the alumni breakfast, followed by our OSAF business meeting. We will be treated to presentations from Clark Seely, national SAF president, and Ed Shepard, our District 2 SAF Board representative. The morning presentations will cover trucking logistics and education projects of the Coos Chapter. The afternoon will offer your choice of two outstanding technical field trips: forestry logistics on the southwest coast including marine and rail transportation, or intensive forest health and water management work on Campbell Global-Menasha property. The day concludes with the OSAF Awards Banquet, followed by dancing to a live band.
The third day features the annual Pep-Up Breakfast led by our student members, followed by presentations on forestry education in Oregon and density management across geography and ownerships. Stay for the afternoon and be treated to lunch and a barge tour of Coos Bay and the historic McCullough Bridge. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and yes, we will be touring on the water, so don’t forget your camera!
Click here to view the 2016 OSAF Annual Meeting Program.
Get your ideas and findings out there! Undergraduate and graduate students, practicing resource managers, and researchers are invited to submit posters on any subject pertaining to forestry and forest resources. For details, contact Tasha Livingstone at 541-888-7284 or tasha.livingstone@socc.edu.