The New Year offers SAF state society and local chapter leaders a fresh start to develop leadership skills. The Oregon Society of American Foresters (OSAF) is inviting forestry and natural resource managers and students from Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Inland Empire to participate in the Leadership Conference, which will be held at the beautiful Oregon Garden Resort in Silverton. The program will provide participants outstanding opportunities to learn practical leadership principles, communication techniques, and membership tips. All SAF members are invited to participate and will gain insights from the conference.
Hosted by Oregon SAF and the Capitol Chapter
Oregon Garden Resort, Silverton, OR
February 3-4, 2017
Day 1 Agenda – Friday, February 3
9:00 a.m.-Noon: OSAF and WSSAF Executive Committee meetings
Noon: Lunch (included in registration fee)
1:00-2:15 p.m.: General Session
- Keynote Address: Tom Davidson, Leadership Nature
2:30-4:30 p.m.: Concurrent Session: “Engaging Within”
- Strategies for running effective meetings: Glen Ahrens, OSU Extension Specialist (Click here to download presentation)
- How to be successful when organizing and planning events: Javier Goirigolzarri, Resources Management Services (Click here to download presentation)
- Need to draw a crowd? How to effectively write newsletters and coordinate continuing education credits for events: Mick Sears (Click here to download presentation) and Jeff Grogan (Click here to download presentation), Oregon SAF
- Managing money for a nonprofit: Best money management practices and tax preparedness tips: Tammy Cushing, OSU Extension Specialist, and Steve Cafferata, Oregon SAF Treasurer (Click here to download presentation)
6:00 p.m.: Dinner
- Jeremy Felty, OSU Student Chapter Chair
- Matt Menashes, SAF, Chief Executive Officer
Day 2 Agenda – Saturday, February 4
8:30-10:00 a.m.: General Session
- SAF Board Update: Mike Cloughesy, District 2 Board Member (Click here to download presentation)
- Effectively utilizing SAF resources: Corey Ruple, SAF Membership Operations
- North American Forest Partnership: Will Novy-Hildesley, NAFP Executive Director
10:30 a.m.-Noon: General Session: “Reaching Out”
- Modern communications and effectively using social media: Nick Smith, Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities Executive Director (Click here to download presentation), and Sara Duncan, Oregon Forest & Industries Council Director of Public Affairs (Click here to download presentation)
- Media relations training: Important tools for working with the media: Nick Houtman, OSU Research Communications Assistant Director (Click here to download presentation)
- Engaging new members across generation gaps and diversity: Tom Davidson, Leadership Nature (Click here to download presentation and handout)
1:00 p.m.: Adjourn
The Oregon Garden Resort, 895 West Main Street, Silverton, OR, is our conference and lodging facility. The guest room rate is $89 plus tax for single occupancy, $99 for double. Hotel guests receive complimentary admission into the Oregon Garden and complimentary hot American Breakfast buffet. Lodging rates are honored for Thursday, February 2 and Friday, February 3. Make reservations at, under “Your place to Dream” click on the “group login” button and enter OSAF when prompted for both the Group ID and Password, or call 503-874-2500 x0 and mention OSAF.
The registration fee for professional members is $160/person ($185 after January 20) and $50 for SAF students ($75 after January 20). This fee includes all materials, Friday lunch and dinner, Saturday lunch, and two breaks. Additional $7/person if paying by credit card to cover fees.
2017 PNW SAF Leadership Conference Registration Form (PDF)
Online registration is not available for this event.
This conference qualifies for 5 Category 2 CFE credits.
Program: Bob Deal
Registration: Melinda Olson, 503-224-8046