Alaska Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation – Redux

The Alaska Society of American Foresters will hold its Annual Meeting in Anchorage from 24-26 April at the Clarion Suites Hotel. 

Day 1—Wednesday, April 24

Breakfast on your own
8:00-9:45 SAF Executive Committee meeting
10:30-5:00 Field trip with WFIWC, depart Marriott
Dinner on your own

Day 2—Thursday, April 25
Breakfast on your own

8:00-8:15 Welcome & introductions—Trevor DoBell-Carlsson, Cook Inlet Chapter Chair

Morning Session
8:15-9:00 State of the Forest: an overview of current forestry events throughout the stateChris Maisch
9:00-9:15: Break
9:15-9:45 Climate Change & Forest DisturbancesChris Fettig
9:45-10:15 Current Spruce Beetle OutbreaksJason Moan
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Historical Perspectives on Kenai Peninsula Spruce Beetle Outbreak – Panel
Noon-1:00 Lunch provided

Afternoon Session
1:00-1:30 GeoQuanta 3: spruce beetle risk mapping (Zoom presentation)
1:30-3:00 Current Spruce Beetle Mitigation Efforts: State, Federal, & Private Management
Strategies Panel Discussion

3:00-3:20 Break
3:20-4:30 Southcentral Spruce beetle outbreak, mitigation, & recovery: Discussion
6:00-7:30 Banquet—keynote speaker SAF CEO Terry Baker

Day 3—Friday, April 26

Breakfast on your own
8:00-8:20 Forestry workforce development projectMeg Burgett
8:20-8:40 Biomass Energy & Wood Innovations updateDan Parrent
8:40-9:10 Updates from SAF Chapters, agencies, individuals, etc.
9:10-9:20 Break
9:20-12:00 Alaska SAF General Membership Business Meeting

  • 2019 AKSAF Registration Form (PDF)

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