Flowing, Soaring and Growing – Ensuring the Resiliency of our Forests

May 10-12, 2023, at the Seven Feathers Casino Resort in Canyonville, Oregon
After three years of virtual annual meetings, the Umpqua SAF Chapter is excited to host an in-person annual meeting. The meeting agenda features networking opportunities, general sessions, and field trips. The general session themes will include workforce development, wildlife, forest health, forest management, and policy. Terry Baker, the CEO for the Society of American Foresters, will deliver the keynote address.
Meeting Flyer |PDF
- Program
- Registration
- May 10 Field Trips
- May 11 Agenda
- May 12 Agenda
- Awards Ceremony
- Auction/Raffle
- Lodging
- Continuing Education Units
- Sponsors/Exhibitors
- Posters
- Student Financial Support
- Map
2023 OSAF Annual Meeting Program |PDF
- Early bird registration is open through April 14. After April 14, registration prices will increase by $50.
- Registration is now closed.
SAF Members $350
- Includes all-day Thursday and Friday sessions
- Meals and refreshments between sessions
- Includes banquet dinner
Wednesday Field trip, includes lunch – $60
Additional banquet guest – $55/guest
Sponsor a student
Non-SAF Members $450
- Includes all-day Thursday and Friday sessions
- Meals and refreshments between sessions
- Includes banquet dinner
Wednesday Field trip, includes lunch – $85
Additional banquet guest – $55/guest
Sponsor a student
Student Members $130
- Includes all-day Thursday and Friday sessions
- Meals and refreshments between sessions
- Includes banquet dinner
Wednesday Field trip, includes lunch – $20
Additional banquet guest – $55/guest
Recovery and Resilience Through Time – A 10-year glimpse into recovery and reforestation after fire in Southern Oregon
- Tour Presenters: Douglas Forest Protection Association, Bureau of Land Management, Roseburg Forest Products, Oregon State University, Oregon Department of Forestry, Chinook Forest Management, Silver Butte Timber Co., Cow Creek Tribe
- Topics to be discussed: History of Douglas complex, fire ecology, Bureau of Land Management and industry perspective, long-term tribal management of burned lands
Growing and Soaring, Tree Improvement and Forest Health – Entomology, soil health, history, and a look ahead into tree improvement
- Tour Presenters: consulting forester, Oregon Department of Forestry, retired Forest Service geologist
- Topics to be discussed: Nickel Mountain mining history, thinning and forest health, soils, and reclamation
This tour also includes a visit to RFP Riddle Plywood and C&D Lumber Co.
Archie Creek Restoration – A tour of a 2020 megafire restoration through the tales of fish, water, culture, and fuels
- Tour Presenters: BLM (invited), USFS (invited), PUR (invited), Lone Rock Resources, Roseburg Resources, Non-industrial landowner, ODF (invited), Communities for Healthy Forests
- Topics to be discussed: Short-term and long-term impacts of the fire, salvage logging, reforestation, impacts of Private Forest Accord on industrial and non-industrial landowners and future management
- Can’t make the field tours starting in the morning? For those who wish to attend this free mill tour, meet at C&D Lumber, located at 1182 Pruner Rd, Riddle, OR 97469. No transportation from the Casino will be provided for this tour. No registration required, please bring your own hard hat.
The informal social hour will be a drop in at one of the bars at the casino. More info to come.
- Katie Nichols, General Chair for 2023 OSAF Annual Meeting
- Jacob Putney, OSAF Chair
- Terry Baker, Society of American Foresters CEO
This session is a panel discussion featuring
- Heidi Huber-Stearns, University of Oregon;
- Andrew Owen, Natural Resources Conservation Service; and
- Amanda Sullivan-Astor, CF, Associated Oregon Loggers.
Raffle tickets will be drawn before the break so be sure to check your ticket for the winning number. If your number is drawn, visit the prize table for a prize.
This session is a panel discussion featuring
- Carrie Berger, Oregon State University Extension;
- Jeff Fedrizzi, Bureau of Land Management;
- Travis Medema, Office of State Fire Marshal;
- Alex Robertson, U.S. Forest Service; and
- Mike Shaw, Oregon Department of Forestry.
- Seth Barnes, Oregon Forest Industries Council
- Shannon Murray, Oregon State University
Raffle tickets will be drawn before lunch so be sure to check your ticket for the winning number. If your number is drawn, visit the prize table for a prize.
This session is a panel discussion featuring
- Keith Jayawickrama, Oregon State University & Redwood Co-Op;
- Tim Truax, Roseburg Forest Products; and
- Tim Drake and/or Bryan Nelson, Lone Rock Resources.
- Jennifer Bryant, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
- Tim Vredenburg, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
Raffle tickets will be drawn before the break so be sure to check your ticket for the winning number. If your number is drawn, visit the prize table for a prize.
- Andrew Merschel, ORISE-USFS PNW Postdoctoral scholar/Oregon State University College of Forestry
- Charley Moyer, Roseburg Forest Products
- Travis Joseph, American Forest Resource Council
Raffle tickets will be drawn before the break so be sure to check your ticket for the winning number. If your number is drawn, visit the prize table for a prize.
Awards Dinner and No-Host Bar
All OSAF members are invited to learn the state of OSAF.
- Chris Still, Oregon State University
- Christine Buhl, Oregon Department of Forestry
Raffle tickets will be drawn before the break so be sure to check your ticket for the winning number. If your number is drawn, visit the prize table for a prize.
- DeWaine Jackson, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Dana Warren, Oregon State University
- Lauren Ponisio, University of Oregon
To nominate an OSAF member for an award, please visit https://forestry.org/oregon-awards/. Submissions are due by March 15, 2023.
The 2023 OSAF Annual Meeting will feature the time-honored silent auction and raffle events, and we are soliciting items from all of the State Chapters. The items will either be sold at the silent auction or in the raffle.
These can be items that represent your area. If you are coming up short on ideas, then bring something that you would want to win. Chances are someone else would feel the same. Handcrafted items are extra special. It could be any handcraft such as woodworking, homemade wine, or homemade candy, etc. These items will be highlighted by how that person is related to forestry. It could be from a member, spouse, retiree, or a friend. We can’t wait to see the variety of
skills that will be displayed!
If you are able to send any items and any details that will help her prepare, please fill out the 2023 OSAF Auction and Raffle Donation form and send to Auction/Raffle Chair Trixy Diamond at diamondtrixy(at)gmail.com by April 30th.
- 2023 OSAF Auction and Raffle Donation form |PDF
Your help by soliciting items from individuals and companies would be greatly appreciated. The items need to be on display during the conference so bring them with you or ask another chapter member if you are unable to attend. However, if you need to ship the item ahead of time, coordinate with Trixy and she can make that happen.
Money raised may be split between the Foresters’ Fund and Oregon Special Projects Fund – Putting Your Dollars to Work Through the SAF Foresters’ Fund |PDF
There is a block of rooms reserved at Seven Feathers Casino Resort for May 9-11 at a rate of $110/night + taxes/fees. Please call 1-888-677-7771 to reserve a room and mention you are with OSAF. Discounted rate only valid until April 26th.
CEUs have been applied for with the following organizations: Society of American Foresters and Oregon Department of Agriculture.
The annual meeting has been approved for the following credits.
Wednesday, May 10
Field Trip Option 1: 7 OPL-CE
Field Trip Option 2: 6 OPL-CE
Field Trip Option 3: 7 OPL-CE
Thursday, May 11
Total: 8 OPL-CE
Friday, May 12
Total: 4 OPL-CE

On Wednesday, May 10, those participating in a field tour can earn up to two CEUs in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist®/Professional Development Certificate Program. (One CEU can be earned for every three hours of a field session. An attendee can only attend one of these three sessions, and the longest session totals 6 hours of learning time, which equates to two CEUs.)
On Thursday, May 11, and Friday, May 12, attendees can earn up to 10 CEUs in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist®/Professional Development Certificate Program.
The OSAF Annual Meeting total CFE credits available is 15.5 Cat 1 credits.
The Annual Meeting has been approved for the following credits:
Wednesday, May 10
Each field trip is worth 6 ISA CEUs
Thursday, May 11
Total: 1.75 ISA CEUs
Friday, May 12
Total: 2 ISA CEUs
CEUs have been applied for five presentations on Thursday and Friday. They are, in order of appearance:
- Coast Redwood in Oregon Panel (Thursday)
- Forestry Herbicides, Changing Landscape (Thursday)
- Trees on the Edge: Douglas-fir Decline & Mortality in SW Oregon (Friday)
- Diagnosis and Management of Key Forest Insect Pests in Oregon (Friday)
- Promoting Bees in Early Seral Forests (Friday)
Please check with the information desk regarding the approval status for each of these presentations.
Steps to receive credit: At the end of each day, visit the Information Desk to confirmyour attendance at the sessions offered that day. You will need to do this both Thursday and Friday at the end of the day. You must provide your license number when completing the sign-in page.
OSAF invites all undergraduate/graduate students, practicing foresters, and research scientists to submit posters for the 2023 OSAF Annual Meeting. Submissions are welcome on the many facets of forestry and natural resources management.
**Submissions for the poster session is now closed.**
The Umpqua SAF Chapter is requesting that students interested in attending the 2023 OSAF Annual Meeting consider volunteering to help make the conference a success. With funding provided by the Oregon SAF Special Projects Fund, ten students from universities and community colleges around the state will be eligible to receive up to $150 toward registration or travel expenses in exchange for volunteering at the meeting.
Eligible students would agree to volunteer five hours during the conference in different capacities to help make this year’s conference a success. Students will be mentored through this process by SAF members while engaging with the interworking’s of the conference. Together, students will partner with SAF members to complete tasks as necessary to make this meeting successful.
*The deadline has closed for submitting an application for financial support.*
This is a map of the meeting locations for the field trips and annual meeting.