Back to the Future: Forest Health and Sustainability

April 25-27, 2024, in Sitka, Alaska, at Harrigan Centennial Hall and a virtual option is available.

Mature Sitka spruce stand in Alaska
Photo credit Sheila Spores

The annual meeting agenda will feature general sessions, a field trip, and networking opportunities. General session presentations will include topics important to the health and sustainability of forests and ecosystems in southeast Alaska such as timber harvest and forest products; insects and disease conditions; continued warming and changing precipitation patterns and how changes are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents and alter forest ecosystem structure and function; collaborative efforts to use local wood products for affordable housing in Sitka; carbon credits; forest restoration, and more.

The field trip will visit a managed young-growth stand and recreational cabin constructed from thinned trees in the morning and in the afternoon feature a boat tour of the Sitka Sound area.

Online registration for in-person closes April 22.
Online registration for virtual closes April 24.

SAF-member: $165, Field trip $65
Non-SAF member: $215, Field trip $85
Student: $100, Field trip $25

(Registration includes the Friday night awards banquet. Choice of ribeye, local fish or vegetarian entree.)

SAF-member: $50
Non-SAF member: $70
Student: $40

Field trip only
SAF member: $65
Non-SAF member: $85
Student: $25

Banquet only: $55


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