Forest Practices Act 50th Anniversary: Past, Present, and Future

Mount Rainier in background and second-growth Douglas-fir forest in foreground
Photo courtesy of Brady Dier

April 3-5, 2024 – Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen, WA

Hosted by the Southwest Washington SAF Chapter

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Forest Practices Act. In recognition of this anniversary, the 2024 WSSAF annual meeting will explore how this significant piece of legislation changed forest management in Washington State.

The opening paragraph of RCW 76.09.010 lays out the reason why the Act is needed:

The legislature hereby finds and declares that the forestland resources are among the most valuable of all resources in the state; that a viable forest products industry is of prime importance to the state’s economy; that it is in the public interest for public and private commercial forestlands to be managed consistent with sound policies of natural resource protection; that coincident with maintenance of a
viable forest products industry, it is important to afford protection to forest soils, fisheries, wildlife, water quantity and quality, air quality, recreation, and scenic beauty.

The program will feature a student mentoring roundtable, a poster session, and student activity organized by the Grays Harbor College SAF student chapter on Wednesday night. Thursday will be a full day of presentations and panels, followed by the WSSAF business meeting and awards dinner. And the meeting concludes on Friday with a Tree Farmer Inspector breakfast hosted by the Washington Tree Farm Program and a field trip.

Registration for the virtual option will be open until April 3.

Registration for in-person has now closed. If you have in-person registration questions, please call (503) 224-8046.

Early bird registration is open through March 8.

Prices then increase by $50 for members and nonmembers. The field trip is limited to 40 attendees.

SAF Members*: $200, add-ons banquet dinner $50, field trip $50

Non-SAF Members: $250, add-ons banquet dinner $50, field trip $50

Student Members: $75, add-ons banquet dinner $25, field trip $25

Virtual attendees: $50

*Golden members receive a $50 discount when registering. 


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