The Oregon SAF Lifetime Achievement Award is presented in recognition of lifetime contribution to the Society of American Foresters and lifetime achievement in the forestry profession by a member of the Oregon Society. The award is to be presented whenever appropriate to one or more members at the annual meeting of the Oregon Society of American Foresters.
Procedure for Nomination
Annual the Oregon SAF Executive Committee (Awards nomination Committee) shall solicit nominations by publishing and/or announcing a description of the award and related criteria in appropriate publications and by notice to each Chapter Chair.
Nominations may be submitted from individuals, SAF Chapters, agencies, companies, associations or institutions. Nominations must be completed by April 1 and submitted to the OSAF Awards Nomination Committee Chair.
Nominations must include the following material:
- Letter of Nomination
- Curriculum vitae of nominee summarizing both lifetime contribution to SAF and achievement in the forestry profession
These could include by not be limited to the following:
- SAF positions held and awards received (describe position and/or award and year)
- SAF projects, programs, or activities where nominee had major involvement (eg., contributing leadership, time, or ideas)
- Forestry positions held through career employment in the profession
- Employment awards and/or other recognition related to career positions (describe award and year)
Selection Criteria
All timely nominations will be reviewed and evaluated by the OSAF Awards Committee against the broad criteria of a lifetime contribution to the Society and lifetime achievement in the forestry profession.
Final selection(s) will be made by the OSAF Awards Committee.