For this months’ chapter meeting, John Guetterman will present “Using LiDAR in BLM Forest Management.” BLM uses a variety of LiDAR products as it manages public land forest resources. Using simple hillshades as an aid in navigation, mapping stream locations, modeling forest stand metrics, and modeling individual tree metrics are just a few of the examples we will look at.
John has spent half of his 30+ year career as a wildlife biologist and the other half as a GIS specialist. He has been regularly using LiDAR data since the first day Coos Bay BLM got it over 10 years ago.
To receive the Zoom link to join this meeting, email Robin Harkins (CoosSAFChapter(at)
Social time and chapter business begins at 6 p.m. with the presentation to begin at 6:30 p.m.
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