This extended issue explores the theme of “50 Years of Forest Genetics in the Northwest.” George McFadden, the Oregon and Washington silviculturist with Bureau of Land Management, spearheaded the theme idea and coordinated the authors and topics. Topics discussed include cooperative tree improvement programs, genetic resource management, and field trials.

To receive a print copy of the magazine, become a member of AKSAF, OSAF, or WSSAF today!

Individual articles are accessible in PDF format (requires Acrobat Reader)

  • Back to the Future: Genetics and our Northwest Forests |PDF
  • Why Grow the Seed to Grow the Seedling? |PDF
  • Development of Cooperative Tree Improvement Programs in the Pacific Northwest |PDF
  • The IETIC: Five Decades of Tree Improvement |PDF
  • Tree Improvement in BC: Developing Durable Trees |PDF
  • BLM Genetics Program Prepares for the Future |PDF
  • Genetics Resource Management in the USFS, PNW Region: Past, Present, and Future |PDF
  • Building on a Century of Forest Genetics Research |PDF
  • Cooperative Brings Life to Tree Breeding Tools and Approaches |PDF
  • Genetic Gain and the Economic Benefits of Tree Improvement |PDF
  • The Douglas-fir Seed-Source Movement Trial Yields Early Results |PDF
  • Biotechnology Research is Developing New Tools for Tree Breeders |PDF
  • Saving Our Trees and Forests through Resistance Breeding |PDF
  • Regional Partnerships Deliver on Value |PDF
  • Policy Scorecard |PDF

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