On October 26th, you can join NNRG and King County staff on a guided driving tour through Taylor Mountain Forest where you’ll see a demonstration of climate adaptation techniques at work, along with other approaches King County is using to transition this former industrial plantation to ecological forest management.
Since it acquired these lands from industrial timber managers in the early 2000s, King County has been thoughtfully stewarding Taylor Mountain Forest to protect natural systems, wildlife habitat, and promote carbon storage while preserving opportunities for public access, recreation, and environmental education. Through active stewardship, King County is improving forest health and long-term resilience in the face of a changing climate.
During this four-hour tour you’ll see a demonstration of climate adaptation techniques at work, along with other approaches King County is using to transition this former industrial plantation to ecological forest management, focusing on managing hardwood forests and establishing conifers. We’ll discuss how King County’s harvests are setting up the forest for long-term climate resilience, mitigating drought and heat-induced moisture stress by spreading available soil moisture among fewer trees, enhancing their odds of survival. These same climate adaptation techniques can be applied to private non-industrial forestlands elsewhere.
Date: October 26, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
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