January 25, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
LaSells Stewart Center C&E Hall
Lecture: Sixty Years of Forestry: A Retrospective on the Douglas-fir Region
Speaker: Bill Robbins, Emeritus Professor and Author, OSU
Sixty Years of Forestry will explore the substantial changes in forestry in Douglas-fir country due to the environmental laws of the 1960s and ’70s. Beginning with the days of clearcutting old growth forests to the forestry practices of today, Bill Robbins will reflect on his own experiences living, learning, and writing about the emergence of a new forestry paradigm.
Bill Robbins is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History at Oregon State University and author and editor of several books, including A Place for Inquiry, A Place for Wonder: The Andrews Experimental Forest. Robbins is currently finishing a history of Benton County.
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