Bikes, Beer, and Burning in Burgeoning Bend

Prescribed burn

Forest management in the interface of a growing town with a reputation for both great beer and great recreation, but surrounded by a fire-dependent ecosystem is a challenge. Learn about these challenges and how they are being addressed around Bend, as well as updates on Oregon Department of Forestry initiatives; Oregon and National SAF hot topics; and plans for the 2018 SAF National Convention to be held in Portland this October.

This year’s abbreviated annual meeting will be completely “backwards,” starting with a field trip and ending with an OSAF Executive Committee Meeting. We are attempting to make the conference as interactive as possible, with an informal banquet of game meats with other hardy fare and interactive sessions with audience participation. You will find this to be a different and fun annual meeting. The meeting will be held on the campus of Central Oregon Community College.

OSAF 2018 Annual Meeting brochure (PDF)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

10:00 a.m. Registration Opens – Cascades Hall, Northeast Entrance

11:00 Field Trip Departs (Box Lunch Provided)

REMINDER: Please bring a hardhat for the field trip; they will be required at the mill. Wear appropriate closed toed shoes or boots and bring appropriate clothing.

Shevlin Park
Phil’s Trailhead
Quicksilver Contracting Co. Mill
4:30 Field Trip Returns

Optional Tour of Cascades Hall
5:30 p.m. Stand-Up Banquet of game meats and other hardy fare, No-host Bar – Elevation Restaurant/COCC Culinary Center

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Wille Hall, Coats Campus Center

7:30 a.m. Registration Opens (Please note coffee/breakfast will not be provided. Coffee will be available for purchase nearby.)

8:00 Welcome and Housekeeping, Betsy Julian, Vice Pres. Instruction, COCC and Ron Boldenow, COCC, Moderator

8:10 Changing Our Cultural Norms around Active Forest Management—John Allen, Forest Supervisor, Deschutes National Forest

8:45 Renew, Redefine, and Respond: The Outlook from the College of Forestry—Anthony Davis, Acting Dean, OSU College of Forestry

9:15 Current Forestry Issues around Oregon—Peter Daugherty, State Forester, Oregon Department of Forestry (Invited)

9:45 BREAK

10:00 SAF Issues and Promotion—Fran Cafferata-Coe, Chair, Oregon SAF; Mike Cloughesy; National Board Member, SAF; Dave Lewis, President, SAF

11:00 Awards

11:45 LUNCH, Acknowledge Vendors and Sponsors

Fun in the Forest, Moderators Ron Boldenow and Quinn Teece

12:40 p.m. Sustainable Tourism—Dave Nissen, Founder of Wanderlust Tours

12:55 Balancing Public Values: Recreation and Wildlife—Brock McCormick, Wildlife Biologist, Deschutes National Forest

1:10 Cultural Landscapes in Conflict: Balancing Public Values and Cultural Resources—Emily Pritchard, Archeologist, Deschutes National Forest

1:25 Interaction of Audience

1:35 Questions for Speakers

1:45 BREAK

Managing timber harvests, recreation, and fire to protect water quality. How are we doing?, Moderators David Morman and Karra Showen

2:00 Water Quality and Harvest Practices—Marganne Allen, Forest Health and Monitoring Manager, Oregon Department of Forestry

2:15 Fire and Water Quality—Kevin Bladon, Professor of Forest Ecohydrology and Watershed Science, Oregon State University

2:30 Water Quality and Recreation—Amy Tinderholt, Deputy District Ranger, Bend-Ft. Rock Ranger District, Deschutes National Forest

2:45 Interaction of Audience

2:55 Questions for Speakers

3:05 BREAK (Silent Auction Closes)

Burning Issues, Moderators Rebecca Franklin and Max Hale

3:20 Holistic Solutions to Prescribed Fire and Smoke Management—David Stowe, Sierra Club, Oregon Department of Forestry Smoke Management Review Committee

3:40 Restoring Resiliency to Interior West Frequent-Fire Forests—Jim Youtz, USFS Southwest Region, Regional Silviculturalist

4:05 Canopy Health, Thinning, and Forest Restoration—Nancy Grulke, Director, Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center

4:30 Interaction of Audience

4:40 Questions for Speakers

4:50 Wrap-Up and Farewell

Friday, April 20, 2018

Join us for the OSAF Executive meeting at the annual meeting in Bend. The meeting will be held Friday, April 20, from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the COCC campus (Ponderosa Room 204). Agenda items will include a variety of SAF state and chapter topics that will be of interest to members.

Breakfast is $10/person. Payment of cash or check will be collected at the door the morning of the meeting. Checks payable to Central Oregon SAF. No credit card payments accepted.

Professional registration is $175 if paid by April 2 and includes breaks, two lunches, banquet, and field trip. An additional $25 charge for registrations received after April 2.

A banquet only option will be available to guests for $50/meal. A field trip option is available to guests for $15.

Student attendance is nearly free, just a charge for meal. Students, please contact your program’s faculty sponsor to register or contact Ron Boldenow at or 541-383-7754. Lunch cost for the field trip and inside session are $15 each and the dinner is $50.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by April 1 are subject to a 15% service charge. Cancellations after April 1 will be charged the full registration fee, but substitutions are always welcome.

Field trip capacity is limited to 120 participants. Transportation, lunch, and refreshments are provided. Walking will be on uneven terrain. Please bring a hardhat; they will be required at the mill. Wear appropriate closed toed shoes or boots and bring appropriate clothing. Mid-April in Central Oregon can range from cold and snowy to warm and pleasant. Evenings are always cool.

The “stand-up” dinner will be served an hour after returning from the field trip. Informal clothes are appropriate. There will be a variety of farm-raised game meats and hardy side dishes and desserts. The food and service will be a class project for the COCC Culinary Program. If weather permits, we will have an outdoor fire and “S’mores.”

SAF CFE credits are: Field Trip on the 18th—4 credits, Indoor Session on the 19th—7 credits.
ISA Credit application in submission.

Vendors will be able to submit brochures to be included in the meeting packet, acknowledged at breaks and lunch, and given the opportunity to speak to the group for a few minutes at lunch. The cost will be $200, which includes the field trip, dinner, and conference.

Vendors will be able to submit brochures to be included in the meeting packet, acknowledged at breaks and lunch, and given the opportunity to speak to the group for a few minutes at lunch. The cost will be $200, which includes the field trip, dinner, and conference.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Mount Bachelor Village for $112 plus tax per night for a single room. Call 877-394-8966 to book your reservation and reference group code 316485. Reservations need to be made by March 19 to secure the group rate.

Parking on the COCC Bend campus is free, but a parking permit must be displayed. Parking permits and campus maps will be sent to those registered for the meeting. Permits will also be available on-site.

Parking on the COCC Bend campus is free, but a parking permit must be displayed. Parking permits and campus maps will be sent to those registered for the meeting. Permits will also be available on-site.

Registration – Contact Melinda at the SAF Northwest Office

Program/Vendor – Contact Ron Boldenow , Central Oregon Community College.


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