For the latest meeting times and current activities, check our Facebook page!

We also plan to have unique videos and pictures on this Page in the near future.

All SAF members and guests are welcome to attend meetings and events. If Columbia Gorge Chapter Members, or people who wish to be members have questions, comments, or ideas about future meetings and activities, please contact Jeremy Grose, Chapter Chair at (503) 493-2155 or email Jeremy.

Upcoming Events

Next Meeting

Please keep posted

Executive Board Meeting: TBA
Date: TBA 7 a.m. @ the new BZ Corners ‘Logs’ restaurant
Program: TBA

Chapter Meeting

TBA @ Charburger in Hood River. We continue to look for ways to increase meeting attendance. If you have input as to what is the best time, place, location or meeting topic please contact me or one of the officers. If you know other foresters or natural resource professionals who don’t attend, by all means invite them!



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