Sitka spruce forest near Nanwalek, Alaska
Sitka spruce forest near Nanwalek, Alaska (Photograph taken by Nathan Lojewski)

The Cook Inlet Chapter of Alaska SAF covers a vast area stretching from the shores of the Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, and Kodiak Island to 63 North Latitude and 141 West Longitude and from Mt. McKinley west to the Bering Sea. Most of Alaska’s forest types are found within the Cook Inlet Chapter’s boundaries: from coastal Sitka spruce and western hemlock forests, alpine mountain hemlock, and the white and black spruce, paper birch, aspen and cottonwood of our boreal forests.

Chapter meetings are held monthly from September through May. Our meetings are most often held virtually via Zoom, allowing more members from our chapter’s extended geographic area to attend We hold an annual Arbor Day tree seedling sale during early May that distributes hundreds of seedlings to the public throughout the area. We support community forestry projects and natural resource education. Contact the chapter chair to attend any upcoming meetings.

Chair: Doug Beattie
Chair-elect: vacant
Treasurer: Roger Burnside
Secretary: Beth Schulz


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