The Emerald Chapter of the Society of American Foresters is comprised of approximately 150 natural resource professionals in and around Lane County, Oregon.

Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from September to May, in several locations in the Eugene area and/or via on-line meetings. Meetings start at 6 p.m. with dinner/social hour, and always feature a timely forestry topic, lively discussion, and networking.

The Emerald Chapter also hosts an annual chapter field trip in June, and partners with local organizations to promote forestry education and sustainable forestry.

For the most up-to-date Chapter news and events, please follow us on our Facebook page.

Meeting Minutes
To receive the monthly newsletter, chapter communications, and event notices via email, please send us a note at

Chair: Jeff Grogan (acting)
Chair-elect: Open
Secretary: Open


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