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2025 AKSAF Annual Meeting – Forest Values: Focus on Rural Communities in Alaska and Northern Canada

April 22 @ 8:00 am - April 25 @ 5:00 pm PDT

This year’s Alaska SAF annual meeting focuses on how managing for forests for wildlife habitat and wildfire mitigation impacts rural life in Alaska, both socially and economically. The meeting will start in Fairbanks. On the way to Tok, attendees will see forest management practices that mitigate wildfire and improve wildlife habitat; a stop will also include an innovative mill in the upper Tanana Valley.

The general session will be held at the Tok Civic Center where topics will include forest management on a variety of land ownerships covering various management goals and objectives. Discussions will revolve around recent issues addressing forest management in Alaska, in both the operational and political realm.

If there are enough interested participants, we are planning an optional field trip from the 24th-27th to Whitehorse and Haines Junction Canada to meet with Yukon Territory foresters and land managers.  They will describe the goals and objectives of similar forest values in northwestern Canada.

To learn more and register, visit https://forestry.org/2025-aksaf-annual-meeting/.


April 22 @ 8:00 am PDT
April 25 @ 5:00 pm PDT
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Yukon River SAF Chapter


Tok Civic Center

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