This year Alaska SAF is launching a brand-new speaker series. The first presenter is Justin Crotteau, a research forester for the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. While currently based out of Missoula, Montana, he spent 2018-2019 in Juneau, Alaska, studying young growth with the Pacific Northwest Research Station. He investigates forest structural and compositional change (i.e., stand dynamics) to inform active forest management, which plays an integral role in providing society the resources required to function and flourish. His research elucidates stand responses to natural disturbances or silvicultural practices in multiple benefit forests, and therefore has implications for timber production, biodiversity, restoration, and resilience to future disturbances.
His presentation is titled “Southeast Alaska, Meet Four Commercial Thinning Methods.” Commercial thinning has not been commonly practiced in southeast Alaska’s Sitka spruce-western hemlock forests. As the Tongass National Forest transitions from old-growth harvesting and toward more young-growth management, commercial thinning may become an integral part of operations. Justin and his team summarize the 10-year effects of thinning methods on overstory and understory dynamics.
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