The Forests + Climate Learning Exchange Series (LES), co-hosted by the Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) and the Society of American Foresters (SAF), invites academics, practitioners, policymakers, and other experts to present innovative and important research, projects, and strategies relating to forest carbon. The series aims to develop and expand forest stakeholder knowledge and perspectives on forest carbon science, management, and strategy.
Despite considerable debate regarding the degree to which market leakage has undermined the mitigation benefits associated with US forest carbon offsets, little has been done to evaluate what an appropriate value might be. This webinar explores results from two recent studies designed to meet that need. The first studies utilize a global model of timber markets to explore leakage across different levels of forest harvest deferral for a range of forest types and geographies. The second study focuses on the U.S. forest sector evaluating leakage differences in avoided emissions and removals within a voluntary offset market context. These studies provide a needed new look at levels of leakage and how methodology design might mitigate its effects.
Day and time: February 7, 2024, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (EST)
Registration for this session will remain open until the start of the webinar. To register, visit
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