The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to rethink how we can deliver educational content and opportunities for members to connect in a safe environment. This has meant pivoting to virtual annual meetings in 2020 and 2021. The benefits–more people could participate; the drawbacks–no in-person socializing and networking, a fixture of annual meetings.
Due to the uncertainly of how safe in-person meetings will be in late April, the planning committee decided the annual meeting will again be virtual. The annual meeting is a little different this year, hosted by the OSAF executive committee instead of a chapter, which motivated a different approach to the meeting theme. Instead of taking a deep dive into one specific topic or region, the theme of the annual meeting will feature the full breadth of forestry and natural resources, from recreation, fire, urban forestry, to carbon, non-timber forest products, and social dimensions.
And there will be a field trip component!
The meeting will span multiple days.
The virtual components of the annual meeting will be held in Zoom.
Visit 2022 OSAF Annual Meeting for the latest information on the meeting.
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