This is the second in the Guild’s Communicating Forestry webinar series, by and for Guild members. Check out the previous installment with Ethan Tapper.
As we all know, communicating the benefits of forest management practices can be challenging. Cold Hollow to Canada, a nonprofit and regional partnership in northern Vermont, has addressed this challenge by convening peer networks of forest landowners who can learn from professionals while also sharing their learning and personal experiences with one another. These groups meet regularly to learn, share, and build a community of novice forest stewards, with Cold Hollow to Canada providing support and technical assistance. The program has been so successful as a tool for promoting forest stewardship and conservation that Cold Hollow to Canada was asked by other groups to document our methods in an online Toolkit that facilitates adoption or adaptation of the program as needed.
In this workshop, Guild member Nancy Patch and Cold Hollow to Canada’s Monica Przyperhart will introduce the Woodlots peer-to-peer model for communicating forest management and then guide participants through the intended use of the online Toolkit, sharing ideas for how to adapt it into new contexts or to start with simple first steps.
Continuing Forester Education Credits from SAF are pending.
Day and time: October 10, 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (ET)
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