Conserving Mature and Old-Growth Forests in a Changing Climate Speaker Series: Implementing Executive Order 14072 Mature and Old Growth Definitions, Inventory, Threat Analysis, and Policy?


Speaker: Jamie Barbour Executive Order 14072, Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies, among other things, instructs the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to define mature and old growth forests, inventory them, conduct an analysis of threats to them, and develop a policy to conserve them. With considerable input from external stakeholders, […]

2024 Pacific Northwest Forest Vegetation Management Conference

Hidden Creek Community Center 5100 NE Hidden Creek Drive, Hillsboro, OR, United States

Save the Date — the PNW Forest Vegetation Management Conference will be held December 3rd-5th. Please note that this year’s event will take place in Hillsboro, Oregon (25 minutes west of Portland) at the Hidden Creek Community Center. This state-of-the-art facility, situated within a 20-acre park and forest, is the first mass timber community center in the country. Click here to learn more about […]

Birdman of the Senate: Senator George P. McLean and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act


Connecticut Senator George P. McLean helped establish lasting legal protections for birds, overseeing passage of the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, landmark environmental protection legislation still in effect today. Author Will Greeley, McLean’s great-great nephew, puts McLean’s victory for birds in the context of his distinguished forty-five-year career marked by many acts of reform during […]

Northwest Forest Plan Amendment: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Webinar


The USDA Forest Service will be releasing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Northwest Forest Plan amendment. This important document outlines proposals to address challenges like increased wildfires, climate change, and economic sustainability across 19.4 million acres in Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. We invite you to join the Northwest Forest Plan DEIS […]

Washington Conservation Action 2024 Carbon Friendly Forestry Conference

Cedarbrook Lodge 18525 36th Ave. S, Seattle, WA, United States

The forests of the Pacific Northwest provide more than timber. Our forests store carbon, provide ecosystem benefits, enhance community resilience and environmental justice. Innovations in forest management and policy are a unique opportunity to mitigate climate change and to ensure healthy community and forests for the future. The Carbon Friendly Forestry Conference is our signature […]

The Fueling Collaboration Panel Discussion Series: Prescribed Fire and Wetlands: an Important but Rarely Told Story


PANEL DISCUSSION Wetlands are the forgotten sibling of the prescribed fire world. While upland ecosystems across the Eastern U.S. have received significant attention for their fire-dependency, wetlands—characterized by their more episodic encounters with fire—rarely receive equitable fire management investments. Fire managers face unique challenges in these environments, where hydric soils, muck, and dense vegetation can […]

Forest Sector Workforce Development Workshop Series


These monthly meetings bring together education, private industry, government, non-profits, and tribes for conversation and connection. These opportunities provide space for those working in the forest sector to discuss specific topics, learn from each other, and identify ways to address workforce challenges. Meetings are the third Wednesday of the month from 10am-12pm PT. Contact Pathways Program […]

2025 Western Region Council on Forest Engineering Seminar

The Western Region COFE meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9, in Lebanon, OR. WR COFE is a regional chapter of the Council on Forest Engineering (COFE) for the western United States and British Columbia. COFE is an international professional organization formed to foster the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education […]

The Fueling Collaboration Panel Discussion Series: Expanding the Fuels Planning Toolkit: Terrestrial Laser Scanning and 3D Fuels Characterization for Improved Wildland Fire Decision Support


PANEL DISCUSSION Wildland fire managers require an expanded toolbox for decision support in the context of an increasingly novel fuel and fire environment complicated by a changing climate, invasive species encroachment, and rapid increase in wildland-urban interface in many areas within the U.S.  Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) offers an efficient, cost-effective, and powerful tool for […]

Forests Today & Forever Annual Meeting

Venue 252 252 Lawrence St, Eugene, OR, United States

FTF 2025 Annual Meeting On the agenda: •A delicious breakfast buffet •Summary of accomplishments in 2024 •Appreciation of one outstanding volunteer •High school student testimony - the first ever to participate in our summer immersion program! •Keynote address by a representative of the Workforce and Talent Development Board of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission sharing […]

Workforce Development & Communications Workshop

World Forestry Center 4033 SW Canyon Rd, Portland, OR, United States

Join us for an afternoon workshop focused on forest sector workforce development and communications. The workshop will be followed by a multi-event social, which will include attendees for the Mapping the Course and the Business of Forest Products workshop. To learn more, visit:

Building Ecosystem Resilience & Adaptive Capacity: Aspen Ecology and Management in the Southwest


In this webinar from the Forest Stewards Guild and Southwest Fire Science Consortium, attendees will hear about insights from the recent paper "Building Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptive Capacity: a Systematic Review of Aspen Ecology and Management in the Southwest" ( The speaker will highlight the threat to aspen ecosystems posed by climate change, chronic ungulate […]


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