Starker Lecture Series: Precision Forestry – Remote Sensing, Geospatial Analysis, and More

Peavy Forest Science Center 117

Date & Time Mar 15, 2023, 03:30 p.m. PST In person: Starker Forests Classroom, Peavy Forest Science Center Room 117 reception to follow Join via Zoom - register now Speaker: Dr. Monika Moskal, Director of the Precision Forestry Cooperative, University of Washington The Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC) at the University of Washington has the mission to […]

OSU Webinar Series Restoring Oregon’s Dry Side Forests – Fire on Ag & Rangelands


Restoration of forests and other ecosystems seems to be the talk of the town these days, but is it really possible to restore ecosystems that have been altered by decades of fire suppression and other management activities, invaded by non-native plant species, and subjected to altered climatic conditions? This OSU Extension webinar series will delve […]

Marys Peak SAF Chapter Meeting

Pop's Branding Iron 901 Pacific Blvd SE, Albany, Oregon, United States

Please join us on March 16th at 7:00 a.m. at Pop's Branding Iron in Albany for breakfast and a guest speaker! Please join us for a presentation from Jake Ferrigan with Aerotract for the latest and greatest on drones, inventory, and more! Jake Ferrigan Bio: Went to Oregon State after getting out of the Navy […]

Forestry Lunch Breaks – Lesser Known Root Rots


Western Washington is home to some of the most productive forestland in the world, but that doesn’t mean our trees are “out of the woods” when it comes to pests and disease.  Root rots are the most common biotic killers of trees in this region.  If you’re a landowner, the chances are you’ve dealt with […]

Portland SAF Chapter Meeting

World Forestry Center, David Douglas Room

Portland Chapter's March meeting will feature Jamie Barbour and Marin Palmer sharing a status update from the joint Forest Service and BLM team responding to the mature and old growth forest portions of Executive Order 14072: Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies (22 April 2022). Barbour will provide an overview and context around […]

Investing in America’s Forests: Expanding Rural Access to the Voluntary Carbon Market


Voluntary carbon markets are an important pathway to providing rural landowners a financial stream to offset the cost of sustainable forest management and to create wealth for their families. But many barriers prevent forest owners from accessing and participating in the market – from concerns of market credibility and viability, to the need for public-private […]

2023 Intermountain Forestry Cooperative (IFC) Annual Meeting

University Inn Best Western 1516 Pullman Road, Moscow, ID, United States

The IFC annual technical meeting will be held at the University Inn Best Western in Moscow, ID on March 21st. Presentations will address research on nutrient and density management and woods run vs improved seed performance across an array of forest productivities. New precision forestry initiatives at the University of Idaho and within the IFC will be […]

Strategies to reduce wildfire smoke in frequently impacted communities in south-western Oregon


Smoke from wildfires is a well-recognized public health and safety issue. While there have been extensive efforts to help communities be “smoke ready”, most people would still prefer not to live with weeks of unhealthy air quality during the summer and fall. This webinar will address what could be done to reduce the amount of […]

Spring 2023 Science You Can Use – Assessing wildfire risk and mitigation opportunities in the sagebrush biome


Join the Rocky Mountain Research Station for the Spring 2023 Science You Can Use webinar series featuring seven land-manager focused webinars presented by Rocky Mountain Research Station scientists and collaborators. These one-hour sessions will begin with concise presentations followed by Q&A and discussion. Webinars will be hosted on Zoom. Continuing credits for SAF and The Wildlife Society will be […]

Assisted Migration: Forestry in the Future Under a Changing Climate


Assisted migration has been extensively researched as an approach to minimize the expected negative impacts of climate change on the health, productivity, and ecosystem services of future forests. The local seed source may no longer be adapted or optimal to meet land management objectives, and this issue may be one of the most important challenges […]

International Mass Timber Conference

Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR, United States

The International Mass Timber Conference is the largest gathering of mass timber experts in the world, focusing on the entire industry supply chain. This is our 7th annual event in Portland, Oregon, USA. Explore cross-laminated timber (CLT), nail-laminated timber, glulam, mass plywood panels, dowel-laminated timber, and laminated veneer lumber; and the opportunities and obstacles in […]

SCIENCE x Assessments: Science for forest planning


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]


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