OSU Extension Webinar – Intro to management planning on your land


Planning is the key to getting everything in order for your future treatments. We will discuss what is included in management plans, defining your specific objectives, keeping track and recording previous work you have done to ensure you are prepared for future treatment activities. Instructor: John Rizza CEUs are available. For instructions on how to […]

Women’s Forest Congress Virtual Gathering – Finding Ways to Break the Bias


Register and join us to celebrate what’s happening in 2022 with the Women’s Forest Congress, be inspired by the work and leadership of women to challenge bias in natural resources and learn a bit about how we can all support each other on International Women’s Day! Details to follow, including a detailed agenda, invited speakers […]

Alaska SAF Speaker Series – A Half-century Perspective of Fine Scale Boreal Forest Change from Reference Stands at Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest (BCEF)


This year Alaska SAF is launching a brand-new speaker series. For March's presentation, Glenn Juday will speak on fine-scale boreal forest changes observed at the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest over the past half century. Juday is a faculty member with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. CFEs will be available. Register in advance for this meeting: […]

OSU Extension Webinar – You thinned your forest. Now what?


Conducting a thinning or fuels reduction treatment is a valuable forest management step, but there’s much more to the cycle of best management practices. Join us as we discuss key next steps and things to watch for that can help you ensure your forest is as healthy and resilient as possible. Instructor: John Punches CEUs […]

Coos SAF Chapter Meeting – Using LiDAR in BLM Forest Management


For this months' chapter meeting, John Guetterman will present “Using LiDAR in BLM Forest Management.”  BLM uses a variety of LiDAR products as it manages public land forest resources.  Using simple hillshades as an aid in navigation, mapping stream locations, modeling forest stand metrics, and modeling individual tree metrics are just a few of the examples […]

Douglas-Fir in Trouble


If you’ve been out in the woods in this area lately, you may have noticed an increase in dead and dying Douglas-fir trees. Since 2016, aerial survey data show that there has been a huge uptick in Douglas-fir mortality in southern Oregon. What’s going on? And why do some areas seem to have more dieback […]

SCIENCE x Water: Forests and Water Supply


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

NTFPs and Bioeconomy in the European Union


Many non-wood forest products (NWFPs) such as mushrooms and berries are collected and consumed in Europe; but both national statistical and scientific data on this topic are reported only for a limited number of countries, products and case-study areas. Their importance as source of food and income, their links to recreation and cultural heritage, are […]

SCIENCE x Water: Forests and Water Quality


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

SCIENCE x Water: Aquatic Life in the Balance


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

SCIENCE x Water: Restoring Hydrologic Systems


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]


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