February 25, 2025 – University of Alaska-Fairbanks with a hybrid/Zoom option
A preliminary Best Interest Finding for a forest carbon sequestration project on state lands is scheduled to be released by Alaska Department of Natural Resources for 30-day public review and comments by March/April 2025 for a potential finding and listing with a carbon registry.
Alaska SAF is sponsoring this one-day workshop with invited speakers on the science, management, and economics of carbon offset contracts. Presently there is a carbon offset project being proposed for the Tanana Valley State Forest in the boreal region. After individual presentations, panel discussions with speakers will take audience questions at the end of morning and afternoon sessions.
The workshop co-chairs are Chris Maisch and Tom Paragi, Yukon River Chapter, Alaska Society of American Foresters
8:30 a.m.: Welcome, room/meeting logistics, brief introduction of topic
Forest carbon parameters, dynamics, and inventory moderated by Co-chair Tom Paragi
8:40 a.m.: Carbon pools and fluxes – Eugenie Euskirchen, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
9:10 a.m.: Observed and forecasted climatic trends in Alaska – Uma Bhatt, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
9:40 a.m.: Disturbances and stressors affecting tree health and biomass increment – Nathan Lojewski, Chugachmiut and Alaska Board of Forestry, Anchorage
10:10 a.m.: Break
10:30 a.m.: Forecasts of trends in boreal forest biomass in the Tanana Valley – Shelby Sundquist. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
11:00 AM: Forest carbon mensuration and modeling – Brian Kleinhenz, Terra Verde, Juneau
11:30 a.m.: Speaker panel for questions and discussion
Noon- 1 p.m. Lunch break on your own
Business parameters and risk mitigation in forest carbon contracts moderated by Co-chair Chris Maisch)
1:00 p.m.: Financial and legal factors in carbon markets – Spencer Plumb, Verra, Missoula, MT
1:30 p.m.: Feasibility of mitigating potential for unavoided conversion – Kayla Mathes and Peter Frumhoff, Woodwell Institute, Falmouth, MA
2:00 p.m.: Michigan experience with carbon offset projects and existing forest uses – David Price, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, MI
2:30 p.m.: Potential for carbon offset Best Management Practices under the Alaska Forest Resources and Practices Act – Marty Freeman, Alaska Division of Forestry, Anchorage, retired
3:00 p.m: Break
3:20 p.m.: Feasibility assessment and factors in a preliminary Best Interest Finding for a carbon offset project in the Tanana Valley – Trevor Fulton, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Office of Project Management & Permitting, Anchorage, and Brian Kleinhenz
3:50 p.m.: Speaker panel for questions and discussion
4:35 p.m.: Brief review, next steps for improved understanding, further questions or discussion
5:00 p.m.: End of workshop
This workshop has an in-person and virtual option.
In-person* – $10
Virtual – Free
*There will be light refreshments during morning and afternoon breaks in the meeting room, but lunch will be on your own. There are café options on upper and lower campus, or you can bring a sack lunch and eat in the IARC lobbies on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
CFEs have been applied for this workshop.
The workshop will be held at that International Artic Research Center in room 401 in the Akasofu Building on the West Ridge of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Parking fees apply on campus (see blue icon with white parking pass on campus map for credit card vending locations).