The North Puget Sound Chapter has over 40 members with a broad range of experience as students, consultants, forestry technicians, professional foresters, volunteers, and retirees in the forestry community.  Our members serve private lands from small to large ownership sizes, and local, state and federal public lands.  

We meet several times a year, usually in a dinner setting followed by a guest speaker presentation, and sometimes through Zoom or a field trip.  

Many North Puget Sound Chapter members volunteer in the community with the Washington Tree Farm Program, Whatcom Women in Timber Woods Tour, and outdoor youth education for K-12 students through the Walk in the Woods program and Glacier Peak Institute.

For information on upcoming meetings or how to join the North Puget Sound Chapter, send an email to northpugetSAF(at), or use the Contact Us form below.

In appreciation of our chapter members, dinner is on us!

Please join us for state and national SAF updates, chapter elections, and a presentation on Variable Density Thinning in the Finney Adaptive Management Area (1 hr. Cat. 1 CFE approved).

Former USFS silviculturist Samantha Chang will discuss variable density thinning done in the Upper Finney Creek area of the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. The Northwest Forest Plan designates this area as Late-Successional Reserve with objectives for late-seral wildlife habitat, but also Adaptive Management Area which allows more flexibility in silvicultural treatments. Three approaches to variable density commercial thinning were applied to compare effectiveness at meeting silvicultural and economic objectives, and efficiency of timber sale layout and harvest operations. This presentation highlights the “focus tree” (a.k.a. “Chang Donut”) thinning prescription featured in the “Silviculture Alternatives for the Pacific NW” course, available on ForestEd through Dec. 31.

Join us from 6-8 PM on Nov. 29 in the meeting room at the Burlington Public Library, 820 E. Washington Ave., Burlington. Pizza and beverages will be provided.

Please RSVP with the button below so we can plan ahead for food, or email Samantha Chang at Guests are welcome – invite another forester!

Chair: Samantha Chang
Chair-elect: vacant
Treasurer: Will Miller
Programs: Samantha Chang
Tree Farm Program: Tom Westergreen

Cook Inlet Chapter Bylaws (PDF)

Climate Change Adaptation for Western Forests: 10 Common Questions – November 15, 2021


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