Welcome to the SAF Northwest Office

The SAF Northwest Office (NWO) was established in 1965 to provide services and support to SAF units and members in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The NWO is committed to providing a high-quality communications link between members, chapters, state societies, the SAF National Office, and the public.

The NWO is not an office of the National SAF, nor does it receive any funding from the National Office. The governing body is the Northwest Office Committee, which consists of the following members of the Oregon, Washington State, and Alaska Societies: chair, chair-elect, treasurer, and member-at-large.

These are a sampling of services currently received by these regional societies.

  • The Western Forester, a regional publication aimed at being a channel for local issues. Twenty-four pages in length and focusing on a theme each issue, the Western Forester provides a variety of articles and advertisements of interest to natural resource professionals four times a year.
  • Coordination of state and chapter elections.
  • Staff assistance with membership drives, tax information, fund raising campaigns and other initiatives.
  • Access and administrative support to Constant Contact, a web-based communications tool SAF units can use to reach members.
  • Meeting registration services at the member rate: We take care of your registration needs so your team can focus on the important tasks of program, field trip organization, and sponsorships.
  • One-stop shopping of SAF information.
  • Stable point of contact for questions and answers from members and the public.
  • With continuous turnover of volunteer leadership, paid staff of long tenure provides organizational memory, continuity, and needed administrative support.
  • State society leaders become members of the NWO Committee, and have a voice in directing the office’s priorities and focus.
  • NWO staff understands the nature of volunteer organizations and strives to make things easier for our members.

The NWO Committee contracts an independent contractor for part-time professional and editorial support from the Western Forestry and Conservation Association.

To learn more about the NWO, here are presentations given at the 2016 Leadership Conference and the 2015 SAF National Convention in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Andrea Watts, interim Manager/Editor, Western Forester
PO Box 82836, Portland, OR 97282
Fax: 503-226-2515


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