Cover of March/April/May Western Forester 2013 issue

Forests are not managed for timber alone. Other ecosystem services, such as water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreation, are other important considerations that can influence management decisions. In this issue, “Wildlife in Managed Forests” authors discuss the effects that wildlife can have upon regeneration and how management activities can promote and safeguard wildlife habitat.

To receive a print copy of the magazine, become a member of AKSAF, OSAF, or WSSAF today!

Individual articles are accessible in PDF format (requires Acrobat Reader)

  • Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Wildlife and Forest Management Objectives |PDF
  • Effects of Black-tailed Deer and Roosevelt Elk Herbivory in Intensively Managed Douglas-fir Plantations |PDF
  • Management Strategies to Reduce Mountain Beaver Damage in Northwest Conifer Forests |PDF
  • Landowner Incentives and Tolerances for Managing Beaver Impacts in Oregon |PDF
  • Tradeoffs Between Intensive Forest Management and Biodiversity |PDF
  • Effects of Fuels Reduction on Eastside Elk and Mule Deer |PDF
  • Potential for Silviculture to Contribute to Conservation of Spotted Owls |PDF
  • Stream Amphibians and Intensive Forestry |PDF
  • Green Trees and Snags in PNW Clearcuts: Does Wildlife Care? |PDF
  • Can You Have it All? Managing Your Land for Forestry and Wildlife |PDF
  • SAF Council Meeting Highlights |PDF
  • Policy Scorecard |PDF
  • We Remember |PDF

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