A Virtual Traverse of Forestry in Alaska

April 12-16, 2021, Virtual

Sitka Alaska

Because Alaska boasts such a diversity of forest types and management issues, for the 2021 AKSAF Annual Meeting, you will be taken on a virtual tour around the state. Each day, a different chapter will host a presentation that features forestry issues relevant to their region.

Each day will start with a brief introduction followed by one or two speakers, ending with time for questions and discussion.

The Alaska SAF Business Meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 9, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. (ADT).

April 16:  Yukon River SAF Chapter

Interior Alaska wildfire fuels management on tribal, municipal and state lands, Will Putman, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) and Jeremy Douse, Alaska Division of Forestry.

Impacts of fuel reduction treatments on fire behavior and ecosystem processes in Alaskan black spruce forests: long-term data and plans for future research, Melissa Boyd, Northern Arizona University, Michelle Mack, Northern Arizona University and University of Alaska Fairbanksand Jen Schmidt, University of Alaska Anchorage


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