This month’s meeting features Demetrios Gatziolis, a research forester with the USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station. Demetrios’ presentation will describe the various types of point clouds that are collected, extracted, or synthesized via laser scanning, photogrammetry, and structure from motion. He will discuss how relevant technologies have evolved recently, and offer suggestions on how a forester, land manager, or owner can access and utilize those resources for planning and decision making.
Time: 5:30 social time, 6:00 dinner ($20), 6:30 program
Please RSVP to Melinda Olson at 503-224-8046 or melinda(at) by Friday 03/18/22 (important date for caterer)
All foresters and their guests are invited regardless of SAF membership!
CFE credits available for program. For more information, please contact Robert Deal at robertdeal1701(at)
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