Yale Forest Forum: Smallholder planted forests and trees for climate, restored landscapes, and human livelihoods


Please join us for the Yale Forest Forum Spring 2023 Speaker Series Webinar entitled “Smallholder planted forests and trees for climate, restored landscapes, and human livelihoods” held on Tuesdays 12:00-13:00 ET from January 17-April 25th (Webinars not held March 14 and March 21). The YFF Speaker Series is hosted by The Forest School at the […]

Wildfire and Climate Change Adaptation of Western North American Forests: A Case for Proactive Management


Climate change and wildfires pose an existential threat to western North American forests, a reality which necessitates place-based strategies to increase their resilience – if forests are to be widely conserved. EuroAmerican colonization, development, and management, along with fire suppression, have contributed to widespread fire exclusion and changes in forest structure, composition, and wildfire regimes. […]

Queer Ecologies Panel


What does ecology mean to you? Why does it need ‘queering?’ Join us for an introduction and discussion on Queer Ecologies. Our panelists will explore the interdisciplinary applications Queer Ecologies has in natural resources. We will discuss what it means to integrate queer ecological practices into environmental and conservation work. Any and all are welcome […]

OSU Webinar Series Restoring Oregon’s Dry Side Forests – Wildlife Friendly Risk Reduction


Restoration of forests and other ecosystems seems to be the talk of the town these days, but is it really possible to restore ecosystems that have been altered by decades of fire suppression and other management activities, invaded by non-native plant species, and subjected to altered climatic conditions? This OSU Extension webinar series will delve […]

Post-fire landscapes: What can they tell us?

La Sells Stewart Center, Austin Auditorium

Join us February 7-8, 2023 at the LaSells Stewart Center, OSU, Corvallis, OR Symposium Goals: To provide an opportunity for scientists to share what they are learning or hoping to learn from recent westside Oregon fires. To provide an opportunity for practitioners and policy makers to begin discussions on how new discoveries can inform future decisions. To promote collaboration between […]

Yale Forest Forum: Smallholder planted forests and trees for climate, restored landscapes, and human livelihoods


Please join us for the Yale Forest Forum Spring 2023 Speaker Series Webinar entitled “Smallholder planted forests and trees for climate, restored landscapes, and human livelihoods” held on Tuesdays 12:00-13:00 ET from January 17-April 25th (Webinars not held March 14 and March 21). The YFF Speaker Series is hosted by The Forest School at the […]

South Puget Sound SAF Chapter Meeting


This month, we'll hold our first chapter meeting of the year on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at noon. This meeting will be virtual (registration link below) but whether to move back to in-person meetings will be on the table (a virtual table, that is). To register, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvfuGhpz4oEtRonknet7Bk4cuVp2Qpl9DO.

Oregon Department of Forestry Western Oregon State Forest Management Plan and Habitat Conservation Plan


On Tuesday, February 7 from 1 – 4 p.m. there will be a virtual meeting open to the public to learn more about the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Forest Management Plan (FMP) and Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP).  This meeting will provide an update on the FMP, the HCP, and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.  A proposed agenda and additional details will be provided closer to the meeting date.  RSVP […]

Southwest Washington SAF Chapter Hybrid Meeting – Eric Krume and Current Logging Technologies

Talking Cedar 19770 Sargent Rd SW, Rochester, WA, United States

For the Southwest Washington SAF Chapter meeting, Eric Krume will discuss the latest in logging technologies. Krume is the cofounder of Summit Attachments & Machinery, based in Kelso, Washington. Time and Location: February 7 at 5:30 p.m. (social hour) followed by program at 6:00 p.m. at Talking Cedar. A virtual option is available but preregistration […]

Spring 2023 Science You Can Use – DNA applications for management – A focus on terrestrial systems


Join the Rocky Mountain Research Station for the Spring 2023 Science You Can Use webinar series featuring seven land-manager focused webinars presented by Rocky Mountain Research Station scientists and collaborators. These one-hour sessions will begin with concise presentations followed by Q&A and discussion. Webinars will be hosted on Zoom. Continuing credits for SAF and The Wildlife Society will be […]

Marys Peak SAF Chapter Meeting

Tommy's 4th Street Bar and Grill 350 SW 4th St., Corvallis, OR, United States

Please join us on February 9th at Tommy's 4th Street Bar and Grill for breakfast and a guest speaker! Returning to Corvallis from the Juniper and Pine heavy Baker and Grant counties and now, our OSAF State Chair, Mr. Jacob Putney! He will provide us an insight into eastern Oregon forestry, his plans as State […]

Alaska SAF Speaker Series: Utilizing forest resources in energy efficient housing design


The Alaska SAF Speaker series returned for 2023 and the second presentation features a discussion on using locally harvested timber for home construction projects off the Alaskan road system. Aaron Cooke is a licensed architect and project manager at NREL's Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks, Alaska. He manages the Sustainable Northern Communities Program, […]


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