Mixed forest near Delta Junction, Alaska Photograph taken by Adam Davis
Yukon Chapter is all of Alaska north of the Alaska Range that includes boreal forests of white spruce, paper birch, aspen, balsam poplar, black spruce, and tamarack. The chapter is centered around Fairbanks, AK and has active members from the University of Alaska, Tanana Chiefs Conference & Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alaska Division of Natural Resources, US Forest Service, Department of Defense, Bureau of Land Management, and varying private interest companies/groups.
Chapter meetings are held monthly from September through May on the third Tuesday of the month at Department of Natural Resources Fairbanks office 3700 Airport Way in the large conference room from 12:00 p.m. to 1pm. Contact chapter chairto attend any upcoming monthly meetings.
December 2015 Technical Session: Bark Beetle Dynamics in the Forests of the Tanana River Valley by Stephen Burr (PDF)
December 2016 Technical Session: Implementation of Forest Inventory throughout Interior Alaska by Matthew Stevens (PDF)
February 2017 Technical Session: Citizen’s Climate Lobby, Contribution to Biomass Policy by Stefan Milkowski (PDF)
March 2017 Technical Session: Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) by Chris Maisch (PDF)
April 2017 Technical Session: How Bark Beetles Kill Ponderosa Pine in Northern Arizona by Stephen Burr (PDF)
December 2017 Technical Session: Alaskan Yellow-Cedar Decline: What is killing the trees? by Sue Bishop (PDF)
March 2018 Technical Session: UAS Wildfire and Resource Forestry Applications by Dirk Giles & Joe Morton (PDF)
January 2021 Technical Session: Implementation of Forest Inventory in Interior Alaska, a 5-Year Review by Miho Welton (PDF)
February 2021 Technical Session: History of Forest Management on Military Installations in the SE US by Bob Larimore (PDF)
December 2021 Technical Session: A Half-century Perspective of Fine Scale Boreal Forest Change from Reference Stands at Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest (BCEF) by Glenn Juday (Video available on request)