Umpqua SAF Chapter Meeting – The Oregon 2022 Legislative Session-A Short Session with Long Consequence

Abbys Pizza Annex Building 1661 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR, United States

For March's meeting, Amanda Sullivan-Astor, the forest policy manager of Associated Oregon Loggers, will report on the many bills passed in the 2022 Legislative Session, which affect the forestry sector. She will also share what is happening at the Board of Forestry and at the federal level. Amanda is also the OSAF Member-at-Large and a […]

SCIENCE x Water: The Shifting Water Balance


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

Portland SAF Chapter Meeting – Pacific Northwest Clouds Aiding Natural Resource Assessment

World Forestry Center, David Douglas Room

This month's meeting features Demetrios Gatziolis, a research forester with the USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station. Demetrios’ presentation will describe the various types of point clouds that are collected, extracted, or synthesized via laser scanning, photogrammetry, and structure from motion. He will discuss how relevant technologies have evolved recently, and offer suggestions on how […]

SCIENCE x Wildlife: Management Tools


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

SCIENCE x Wildlife: Wildlife in Aquatic Systems


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

2022 Operational Lidar Inventory (OLI) Virtual Meeting


The Operational Lidar Inventory (OLI) virtual meeting will be April 6, 2022, from 9 – 5 p.m., (PDT). The meeting is focused on operational and near-operational remote sensing technologies in forest inventory and monitoring. To learn more and register, visit Agenda 8:30        Welcome / Intro – Jacob Strunk, USFS, FIA 8:45        Current status and application of […]

SCIENCE x Wildlife: Wildlife in Wetlands


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

SCIENCE x Wildlife: Pollinators for the Future


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]

2022 Northwest Innovative Forestry Summit


The Pacific Northwest region benefits from a long, deep, and often underappreciated history of experimentation and innovation in its forest sector. Current challenges call us to better understand both current and past examples of forestry innovation, and to chart a course for improving sustainable forest management through partnerships and problem solving. The Summit is a […]

SCIENCE x Wildlife: Focal Species


The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country. These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically […]


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