OSAF has a number of awards that recognize the achievements of our members and chapters, and the awards are presented during the OSAF annual meeting in the following year.
The nomination period for the 2025-26 awards cycle is now open and will close March 15, 2026.
To nominate an OSAF member for an award, please fill out the Annual Awards Nomination Form (Word). Please note that some awards have separate nomination process.
For question about the nomination process, contact OSAF Awards Committee Cochairs: Jeremey Felty [jeremy.felty(at)gmail.com] or Julie Woodward [woodward(at)ofri.org].
To be presented annually to a member of the Oregon Society of American Foresters selected to be recognized by his/her peers for contributing to both the profession and the public through application of his/her professional skills to the advancement of forestry in Oregon and through public service that benefits his/her community or some larger segment of society.
The Young Forester Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership by a young forestry professional in the development and promotion of an individual program or project, or for sustained leadership role benefiting the practice of forestry and the Society of American Foresters. Nominees must be SAF members and under 40 years of age at the close of the nomination due date.
To be presented whenever appropriate (not necessarily annually, not limited to one per year) to individuals outside the forestry profession, groups or institutions (clubs, company, government agency, etc.) deemed by the Oregon Society to have contributed significantly to the advancement of forestry in Oregon.
To be presented whenever appropriate to one or more members of the Oregon Society of American Foresters who have demonstrated sustained, excellent professional performance in an extremely adverse work climate. Some examples of extremely adverse conditions include risk to the individual’s life, property, health, or career; intense pressure and criticism by the news media; intense pressure from hostile special interest groups, or continuous exposure to elements which threaten the safety of the public.
To be presented to an Oregon Society Chapter which has made extraordinary achievements in membership, service to members, community service, chapter management and participated in forest policy and legislation in the preceding year. A balanced rating system using the above criteria will determine the qualifying chapter. The system is carefully designed to give equal opportunity to both large and small chapters. Chapters are required to submit achievement data for the preceding year to qualify for the award.
- This award has a separate nomination process.
To be presented in recognition of outstanding achievement in any branch of science leading to advancement in either the science or practice of forestry in Oregon. The award is presented whenever appropriate at the annual meeting of the Oregon Society of American Foresters.
- This award has a separate nomination process.
To be presented to private organizations for sustained excellent performance and support of SAF (25 to 50+ years) in three key areas: 1) stewardship in forestry resource management and communities, 2) support for SAF/OSAF activities (events, meetings, activities, fund raisers, advertisements, etc., and 3) support for SAF/OSAF employee membership/participation. The award is to be presented whenever appropriate to one or more organizations at the annual meeting of the Oregon Society of American Foresters, with due consideration given to nominations of organizations from the regional area of the respective OSAF Annual Meeting. This award was new for 2017.
To be presented annually to an Oregon State University forestry student who is a member of the Society of American Foresters, participates regularly in OSU SAF activities, including a leadership role of some kind, represents the OSU SAF Student Chapter at state or national SAF gatherings, and who demonstrates good academic standing, good citizenship and excellence in extracurricular and professional work activities.
To be presented annually to an Oregon community college student who is a member of the Society of American Foresters, participates regularly in their respective student SAF chapter (or local chapter) activities, including a leadership role of some kind, represents the community college SAF student chapter at state or national SAF gatherings, and who demonstrates good academic standing, good citizenship and excellence in extracurricular and professional work activities. This award was first offered for 2012 accomplishments.
To be presented in recognition of lifetime contribution to the Society of American Foresters and lifetime achievement in the forestry profession by a member of the Oregon Society. The award is to be presented whenever appropriate to one or more members at the annual meeting of the Oregon Society of American Foresters. The award is named in honor of Oregon forester, nurseryman, tree farmer and statesman, Bob Kintigh, who through his lifetime of achievements, inspired hundreds of other foresters across the state. He was a tireless advocate for sustainable forestry, a friend and mentor to many across the profession, and received the OSAF Lifetime Achievement Award himself in 1993.
- This award has a separate nomination process.
To be presented in recognition for being a lifetime supporter of active forestry in Oregon. The award is to be presented whenever appropriate at the annual meeting of the Oregon Society of American Foresters.
Special Chair Award
To be presented by the Chair in recognition for special achievements.