The Western Forester is an official publication of the Society of American Foresters Northwest Office. It is issued four times a year by the Oregon, Washington State, and Alaska Societies of American Foresters and is produced by the SAF Northwest Office. The publication promotes a timely exchange of quality resource management information among foresters, resource managers and those in related disciplines. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, in addition to including other articles of interest to foresters.

The Western Forester serves approximately 2,000 SAF members of the Oregon, Washington State, and Alaska Societies. It is also distributed to leaders in professional forestry throughout the United States.

  • We are in the process of posting the back issues of the Western Forester. If there is an issue that you need, which isn’t posted, please email wattsa(at)

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The Western Forester accepts display advertising, and website advertising is also available.

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Western Forester 2024 Publication Schedule

IssueThemeDeadlineDate Mailed to Members
Jan/Feb/Mar 2024What’s New in Forest PolicyJanuary 8, 2024February 14, 2024
April/May/June The Latest on CarbonApril 8May 20
Jul/Aug/SeptForest Health UpdateJuly 5August 19
Oct/Nov/DecRestoration and Vegetation ManagementOctober 1November 14

Cover of Apr/May/June 2024 Western Forester issue
Cover of Western Forester JanFebMar2024 issue
Cover of Oct/Nov/Dec 2023 Western Forester issue

Oct/Nov/Dec 2023
Building the Forestry and Natural Resources Workforce
(Bilingual issue)

Jul/Aug/Sept 2023
Managing for Landscape Changes

Cover of Western Forester April May June 2023 issue

Apr/May/June 2023
Landscape Changes in the Pacific Northwest and the Science

Western Forester JanFebMarch 2023

Jan/Feb/March 2023
What is Active Management

Oct/Nov/Dec 2022
Wildfire in the Pacific Northwest-Present and Future

July/Aug/Sept 2022
Advances in Wood Manufacturing and Use


Apr/May/June 2022
Exploring K-12 Forestry Education


Jan/Feb/March 2022
What’s New in Forest Operations

Oct/Nov/Dec 2021
The Business of Consulting Forestry

July/Aug/Sept 2021
Women in Forestry

April/May/June 2021
Tribal Forestry

Jan/Feb/March 2021
Forestry Through the Years

Oct/Nov/Dec 2020
All About Carbon

July/Aug/Sept 2020
Workforce Development

Jan/Feb/March 2020
We Are SAF


Oct/Nov/Dec 2019
Forest Economics


July/Aug/Sept 2019
Certification-Forest and Forester

Jan/Feb/March 2019
Collaborative Forest Management

Cover of Western Forester Oct/Nov/Dec 2018 issue

Oct/Nov/Dec 2018
Wood Innovation

July/Aug/Sept 2018

April/May/June 2018
Fuels Management

Jan/Feb/March 2018
Reciprocal Rights-of-Way

Cover of WF NovDec2017 Cover

Nov/Dec 2017
Evolution of Land Ownership and Management Implications

Sept/Oct 2017
50 Years of Forest Genetics in the Northwest

Cover of Western Forester June/July/August 2017

June/July/August 2017
Student Perspectives

Cover of Western Forester March/April/May 2017 issue

March/April/May 2017
Wildlife Management in Urban and WUI Forests

Cover of Western Forester Nov/Dec 2016 issue Safety and Security on Forestlands

Nov/Dec 2016
Safety and Security on Forestlands

Cover of Sept/Oct 2016 Western Forester issue, which is on Urban Forestry.

Sept/Oct 2016
Urban Forestry

Cover of the JuneJulyAug2016 Western Forester issue

June/July/Aug 2016
Forest Management in the Face of Drought

Cover of the March/April/May 2016 Western Forester issue

March/April/May 2016
Political Implications for the 2016 Election Year

Cover for the Jan/Feb 2016 Western Forester issue

Jan/Feb 2016
Fuel Treatments

Cover of November/December 2015 Western Forester Issue

Nov/Dec 2015
Managing Riparian Forests

Cover of Western Forester September/October 2015

Sept/Oct 2015
Experimental Forests-Bridging Science and Management

Cover of June/July/August 2015 Western Forester

June/July/Aug 2015
What is the Future of Multiple-use Forestry?

March/April/May 2015
Changing Technology and Mobile Applications

Cover of January/February 2015 Western Forester issue

Jan/Feb 2015
What’s New in Wood Products Research?

Cover of Western Forester Nov/Dec 2014 issue

Nov/Dec 2014
Non-timber Forest Products

Cover of Sept/Oct 2014 issue of the Western Forester

Sept/Oct 2014
The Carbon Cycle and Forests-How They are Connected

Cover of June/July/August 2014 Western Forester issue

June/July/Aug 2014
Forest Soils, Nutrition, and Productivity

Cover of March/April/May 2014 Western Forester issue

March/April/May 2014
Disturbance Events

Cover of January/February 2014 Western Forester issue

Jan/Feb 2014
Reforestation and Nursery Management

Cover of November/December 2013 Western Forester issue

Nov/Dec 2013
FIA in the PNW

Cover of September/October 2013 Western Forester issue

Sept/Oct 2013
Baby Boomers

June/July/Aug 2013
Forest Biomass: To Energy and Beyond

Cover of March/April/May Western Forester 2013 issue

March/April/May 2013
Wildlife in Managed Forests

Jan/Feb 2013
Reflections on Forest Management: Can Fish and Fiber Coexist?

Cover of Western Forester Nov/Dec 2012 issue

Nov/Dec 2012
Federal Forests in the Pacific Northwest

Sept/Oct 2012
PNW’s Place in the Global Forest Marketplace

Cover of Western Forester June/July/August 2012 issue

June/July/Aug 2012
Forest Roads

Cover of March/April/May 2012 Western Forester issue

March/April/May 2012
Forestry Education

Cover of November/December 2011 Western Forester issue

Nov/Dec 2011
What Green Building Means to Forestry

Cover of September/October 2011 Western Forester issue

Sept/Oct 2011
Teamwork: Professional Loggers and Professional Foresters

Cover of June/July/August 2011 Western Forester issue

June/July/Aug 2011
Collaborative and Landscape Level Management

Cover of March/April/May 2011 Western Forester issue

March/April/May 2011
New Technology in Forestry: Are You Ready?

Cover of January/February 2011 Western Forester issue

November/December 2003

Forest Issues and Policies

September/October 2003

July/August 2003

May/June 2003

March/April 2003

January/February 2003


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